Monday, January 25, 2010

Present to Pass goes troppo!

We are so thrilled to announce that we are putting all our efforts into a special one-off event on Thursday 25 March in Brisbane, Queensland.
We have always been passionate about flexible ways to deliver registrar education to as many people as possible, and are aware that it is a big commitment to fly interstate to attend courses. So we are going to complement (not replace) our Present to Pass® courses with a special one-off dinner meeting to be held on Thursday 25 March, 2010, in Brisbane.
We have met quite a few Queensland trainees as they have attended Present to Pass®, viewed us on line during our webcast series and attended SleepSchool© last year at Custom’s House, Brisbane. This is our chance to meet more and offer some practical tips and advice about how to get through the RANZCP clinical exams.
Our chairperson will be Dr Curt Gray, RANZCP college examiner and member of the examinations committee. Dr Gray is a CL psychiatrist from the Gold Coast.
We also aim to offer an interactive component to the evening, and keep it as informal as possible so you can ask questions.
This evening will be valuable for registrars planning to sit the exams in 2010, as well as trainees in their first and second years, because we’ll address the components of the exam, and offer generic tips for interviewing and presenting cases. However, first priority will be given to candidates planning to sit in 2010.
There will be an attendance fee that will cover dinner, as well as educational materials. We hope to reduce this fee by attracting some external sponsorship, and will keep you posted regarding final cost and venue.
So, please spread the word, and register your interest. We aim to cater for about 40 registrars and imagine that places will fill quickly.
And for those of you training in WA, we aim to come and visit in the coming months, as Present to Pass® goes West!
Take care and let us know how you’re going with exam preparation,

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Exam success for RANZCP exemption candidates!

It has been so pleasing to hear from our recent graduates of Present to Pass® who achieved success in the RANZCP clinical exams in November 2009. A number of graduates had attempted to pass the exams on a few occasions, and did let us know that tips they learnt at our workshops helped them with preparation and on the day.

We are so thrilled to hear the good news, and will continue to ask for feedback to ensure that our course remains valuable for registrars.

We are also developing a new program for surgical registrars sitting the FRACS clinical examinations. We know that presentation skills and anxiety management training is relevant to all registrars sitting oral exams, regardless of specialty.
So if you know of any surgical registrars who might like to take part in our courses, please forward this on, and invite them to join our database. That way, we can ensure they are notified when the dates are set.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year to All

On behalf of all the team at CPD Formulations we thank you for your support of our programs, and look forward to seeing you in 2010.

Things have moved quickly this year; we have had a number of successful program launches and many thanks for coming along and participating.

And on another note, we were robbed on Christmas Eve, not a lot taken as we do not have cash or drugs on the premises, but a big shake up for us on the eve of the festive season. We hope the perpetrators are caught as they caused a great deal of damage to other offices as well.

Anyway, we plan on putting all this to one side in order to continue creating quality medical education in 2010 and beyond (that’s after a bit of a break!).

As always, very best wishes, and keep in touch,