Wednesday, October 20, 2010

SleepSchool2010 a great success

Hi all,
I'm sure those of you who attended SleepSchool2010 on 2 October at The Emporium Hotel in Brisbane, Queensland, found it to be one of our best events to date. At leats that's what the results of evaluation tell us!
Our speakers were fantastic as always, and although it poured outside, and pesky tow trucks tried to abduct participants' vehicles, the day ran without a hitch. A big, big thank you to Dr Curt Cray, Dr David Cunnington and Dr Tony Fernando for making this a fabulous event.

For those of you who did not attend, or if you have not been to our SleepSchool workshops that cover the important area of sleep disorders in psychiatry, we will have a DVD recording of the event available in the next 2 weeks. Please email us at to register your interest.

Many thanks to CSL once again for sponsoring this most valuable (according to participants!) education event for psychiatrists and psychiatry registrars.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Webcast confirmed - Dual disability in the OSCEs

Greetings all,

How many sleeps to the exams? I'm sure some of you know the answer to that one!

We have had a number of requests for education about dual disability, given we often have little exposure to this important topic during our training. So we have now confirmed the details for our first webcast;

Wednesday 29 September at 6.00pm.
CPD Headquarters, 410/91 Murphy St Richmond 3121
Come into the office and join in the OSCE practice and discussion, or log in and watch live.

We are thrilled to confirm our guest examiner, Dr Jennifer Torr, Director of Mental Health, Centre for Developmental Health Victoria, Monash University. Dr Torr is passionate about registrar education and contributes to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. She has presented at conferences and has written widely about this important area of psychiatry.

As always, we will be filming the event for DVD purchase at a later date.

So please register early to support this important event!

email us at

And for the second webcast topic, stay tuned! You should be pretty excited about that one as well!

Happy studying,

The team at CPD Formulations.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wake up! SleepSchool is fast approaching!

We once again have our bags packed and ready to leave dreary Melbourne for sunny Brisbane to showcase our most popular course for psychiatrists and registrars - SleepSchool!

SleepSchool is our one day workshop that delivers up to date information about sleep disorders and psychiatry. Sponsored by an educational grant from CSL Biotherapies, we will once again be bringing together our team of experts;
  • Dr Tony Fernando, NZ
  • Dr David Cunnington, Vic, and
  • Dr Curt Gray, Qld

to educate you about this important area of psychiatry. In addition to an informative lecture series we will run an afternoon session covering OSCE examination preparation, chaired by Dr Curt Gray, Committee for Examinations Member, RANZCP.

So for all you registrars out there asking for extra OSCE practice prior to the October clinicals, join us in Brisbane!

The course is free for psychiatrists and regsitrars, and if you haven't received an invitation, please email us at for a copy.

So, where can you find us?

Venue: The Emporium Hotel, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Queensland

Date: Saturday 2 October 2010

Time 8.30am (registration) until 5pm for registrars, 8.30am to 1pm for consultant psychiatrists.

Includes morning/afternoon tea, lunch and all materials.

See you there,

Best wishes,

Helen and the CPD Team.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Another successful P2P workshop held on the weekend

Greetings to all, and to the participants at our Melbourne workshop on the weekend, apologies once again for our dismal weather!
As the rain pelted down outside, our participants from local and interstate regions worked hard to master the skills needed to interview and present cases with flair.
We modified our agenda this time to reflect the recent changes to the marking proforma, and included an opportunity to write and present a succinct MSE using cases performed by professional actors. This session was rated very highly.
As usual, our participants came along eager to work, and should be congratualted for how far they had already come in their examination preparation. We wish them every success in October!


Keep tuned for updates regarding our OSCE webcasts that will occur in September.
What is a webcast you ask?
Well, its a live video presentation that you can access on your own computer once you register and obtain a password. We will run through two full OSCE stations each night, with 'examiners' present to critique and provide feedback. If you are in Melbourne, you can come into our office and participate. If you aren't, you can watch the tutorial LIVE and type your questions in using your own keyboard, for real time responses. These webcasts were very successful last year and we are committed to developing them on an ongong basis. Its our way to help registrars no matter where they are access quality medical education.
If you would like to learn more, please send an email to
Keep in touch, and best of luck with your examination preparation!

The team at CPD Formulations.

PS Stay tuned for the launch of our new website offering a more user friendly way to access all our information and resources at CPD. It is due to launch in September. Thanks Con, Aaron and DIG Creative!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Announcing our new course!

You asked for it, you got it!

We have been busy creating our new course to help you get through the RANZCP written exams.

After 3 years of creating and updating our Present2Pass course for the clinical examinations, our Write2Pass course is ready to be launched on 20 and 21 November 2010, in Melbourne, Australia.

Our course will take place over two days, culminating in a mock examination on the Sunday, with results posted back to you after the event. We won't just give you examples of questions, we'll walk through the questions and answers in an interactive and fun environment that enhances learning.

This year, the Christchurch writtten examination preparation course will not take place so diarise our course instead.

And if you are interested in coming on board as a facilitator or curriculum development committee member, please let us know at

Please let all your colleauges know who are in first or second year, and might not have heard about CPD Formulations

Best wishes,

The CPD Team.

Dr Schultz to present at the 2010 Prevocational Medical Education Forum

We have just been notified that Dr Helen Schultz will be presenting at the 2010 Prevocational Medical Education Forum, to be held in Melbourne from November 7 to 10, 2010. Helen will present findings taken from 3 years of training local and international medical graduates and will discuss how the training needs for these two groups differ. This will hopefully generate discussion on how clinical schools, teaching hospitals and colleges should address the requirements of each group of doctors. Helen has been passionate about supporting this crucial area of the medical workforce for a number of years.
If you are an international medical graduate, and have met Helen through attending the Present2Pass courses, we'd love to hear from you. We would love to compile a short showreel of interviews with IMGs discussing the unique challenges they face. Please contact us on if you would like to be involved anonymously or on interview.
For more information on the forum, follow the link below;

Best wishes,
The CPD Team

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Off and racing??

So it's clicked into August, and that means the last month of winter, and one month closer to the second round of the RANZCP clinical examinations for 2010.
We have had a lot of response from registrars, pre and post exams about the recent pass rates and their concerns about sitting while these appear low. Our advice has been consistent and measured. When you choose to sit the clincial examinations is entirely up to YOU; not the teaching hospitals, not your colleagues, but when you and your support crew decide you are ready. It may be because you want to get them done before starting a family (like me), or before you pursue a break from training (also me). This is your race, and you need everything in place to give you the best chance of success.
Need some help or one on one coaching? I have been getting busy with appointments for exam coaching and our courses are filling up as well. We have a few vacancies left for the our next Present2Pass course in Melbourne on 14 and 15 August. Come along and meet some fellow registrars from around Australia and New Zealand!